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The Lord commands His blessing on you, whatever your hands touch shall prosper.

– Deuteronomy 28:8

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American Dream Enterprises is mandated by the Holy Spirit to rekindle godly values, encourage social integrity, and honest business practice back into mainstream society by empowering small businesses, churches, and the consumer by launching new technological applications that foster ubiquitous community growth, the evolution of humanity, and unparalleled social breakthrough.

Our Story

Why We Started!

American Dream Enterprises LLC is a pioneer pounding the pavement by introducing radical transformation to global communities that enhance the digital faith movement.Our app, Excellence is a product of our cutting-edge God-inspired ingenuitive that connects believers like you worldwide in multiple overarching categories. Our humble beginnings are inspired directly from the bible. American Dream is a female led startup based in the United States with plans to impact every nation, all tribes.

-Galatians 3:28

“Excellence is doing the right thing no matter the cost.”

– Geeta Chopra, Founder.


I will make you exceedingly fruitful.

Genesis 17:6

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Scripture of the Week

Call unto me and I will tell you great and mighty things that you do not know.
- Jeremiah 33:3
Our scripture this week reminds us that God still yearns to speak to His children in a noisy, fallen world. The gift of Jesus is the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us, telling us which way to go; but many of us still walk by what we see. This scripture says the Holy Spirit will tell us, not show us the hidden things of God. If we walk by sight we will miss it. The voice of God should have veto power over every other voice in your life; and we should endeavor to walk in that obedience no matter what others say. How do you distinguish His voice? It is usually the one that sounds unreasonable in human terms.